About me

Hi, my name is Eric! I’m a first-year Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Prof. Srijan Kumar and majoring in Computer Science.

My research interests lie broadly in computational social science, natural language processing, and machine learning. Currently, I am investigating the dynamics and impact of online misinformation and counter-misinformation. Questions I am trying to answer include:

  • (1) What kinds of misinformative content and misinformation posters are more likely to receive countering / debunking from ordinary online users?
  • (2) What kinds of users are more likely to be the creators of misinformation-countering content?
  • (3) What are the impacts of countering on the spread of online misinformation?

In May 2023, I presented my paper, “Characterizing and Predicting Social Correction on Twitter”, at the 15th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci’23) in Austin, TX. For my work, I was also awarded the Marshal D. Williamson Fellowship at Georgia Tech’s 32nd College of Computing Awards. I am continuing to focus on the Twitter platform for my research, while also expanding to other platforms such as Reddit. I have also worked in projects in urban road repair and mental health.

Overall, I enjoy working in inter-disciplinary projects, particularly at the intersection of computer science and humanities / public policy. I am motivated by a desire to help both stakeholders and ordinary people better understand and model complex societal phenomena, in the hope of bringing about tangible benefits and healthier societal outcomes.